Sunday 11 December 2011

The Witless Woman's Guide to: Starting a Business

Wit Key: Courage

Today's Wit Key is COURAGE. When you decide to start a business you are going to encounter a lot of roadblocks. The first road block will be convincing yourself you are not crazy and you CAN do it. This is especially true when you are a minority. Here is a clue if you are a woman you are a minority. Accept it but don't let it limit you. There are plenty ways to start a business and plenty of businesses to start. How you decide to start a business and which business you decided to start is where our Wit Key comes in. Some people have talents to carry their business; products to sell or services to offer. You need to have to confidence to believe that your creation will be worth something or you have the eye for choosing what people will be buying. You also need confidence in the service you would be providing. So all that said we will take this journey together. We will figure it out as we go and we will have our ups and downs but we will not give up!

Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Wtiless Woman's Guide to : Blogging

I had to start somewhere. Actually, that is the Wit Key.  "Wit Keys" are the keys you need to complete the tasks on any of the guides. Todays' Wit Key is: JUST START! That’s right the key to having a blog is to start one. Simple, I know but you would be amazed at how intimidating it is. They give you these tools for decorating and layout then they ask you about you. Those are the moments when the self-confidence thief creeps in and steals your confidence.
As a matter of fact, there are so many moments in beginning anything new and unknown when Witless Women would want to give up! Don’t give up. Your blog does not have to look like that other “million dollar blog” with millions of followers. You don't have to have the most philosophical thoughts or know something about everything. You can find something, anything you are passionate about and just let it out.
You do not have to come up with the natural cure for all the diseases in your first Blog entry but you do have to start.  If you can’t figure out the layout for your blog, go with the suggested for now. It is after all, a place to start and as you continue to Blog and grow you will blossom into the awesome blogging millionaire you were meant to be.  As far as this blog is concerned we are here to help you through the known and unknown. Whatever the challenge we will figure it out together! Witless Woman Style! No question is ever stupid; no challenge to great! If you want to know then it’s a sure bet that someone else on this World Wide Web want to know too!

Wit Key(s):  Just start!